Contact State making headlines at ProtectX, Protection Guru and Cover Magazine
The Contact State team has been busy in the last few weeks, loudly making the case for clearer regulation of the lead generation sector whilst building awareness of fraudulent and misleading advertising.
Writing for ProtectionGuru and speaking at the Protection Forum, Alain Desmier spoke to delegates about 'how to regulate lead generation'.
On a podcast with Cover Magazine editor Adam Saville and LifeSearch CEO Tom Baigre, Alain warned that many firms with the Life Insurance industry will not know that they are buying fraudulent leads and described the measures that intermeriedies could take to protect themselves. You can hear that podcast here.
Contact State were invited to speak at the inaugural ProtectX event by the Protection Review team where Alain outlined the steps that everyone in the Life Insurance industry could take to get rid of fraudulent leads. You can watch his speech here. The event was covered in the press by FT Advisor here.